Our Body Our Temple

Postpartum Pilates and Corrective Exercises 

After the birth of baby/babies, the focus is on assisting the body recover from the birth.  No two pregnancies or births are similar. We achieve this with Pilates Exercises and Corrective Exercises which address posture.  

Understanding Postpartum Pilates and Corrective Exercises

After the birth of baby/babies, the focus is on assisting the body recover from the birth.  No two pregnancies or births are similar. We achieve this with Pilates Exercises and Corrective Exercises which address posture.  

We address the various changes the body goes through to accommodate carrying your growing baby as through the journey of pregnancy, the body goes through various adjustments, adopting new postural to accommodate the growing baby.

Recovery work includes looking at postural alignment from head to feet, balance, breath work and pelvic floor health.  Your experience will depend on what your body needs to recover from your birthing experience.

Diastasis Recti Recovery work could also be a part of the plan if needed. 

When You May Consider Postpartum Pilates and Corrective Exercises

Are you looking to safely heal and strengthened your body post partum?

D you have any concerns you wish to address, i.e Diastasis Recti, Pelvic Floor, aches and pains in parts of the body?

Do you need help to get back to an activity or sport you engage in pre birth of your baby?

Results From Postpartum Pilates and Corrective Exercises
